CARCEIT Seminar, Wed, April 17th, 2024

2024-04-12 09:52
Duishon Alievich Shamatov holds the position of Associate Professor at Nazarbayev University's Graduate School of Education, where he serves as the director of MSc Educational Leadership Programs focusing on Inclusive Education, Higher Education, and School Education.

He earned his Master of Education degree in Teacher Education from the Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development (AKU-IED) and completed his PhD in Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada, in 2005. His doctoral dissertation, titled "The Beginning Teachers' Professional Socialization in Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan: Challenges and Coping Strategies," reflects his academic focus. Dr. Shamatov has a wealth of experience in conducting research and consultancy work in various countries including Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Yemen. His research interests encompass educational reforms, rural education and equity, teacher education, curriculum development, education quality, and student assessment.

He has received several prestigious awards for his contributions to education, including the NU Teaching Awards in categories such as Sharing NU Experiences (2022), the Inaugural NU Master Teacher Award (2020), Leadership in Teaching Award (2019), and Innovative Teacher (2018). Additionally, Duishon was honored with the "Excellence in Education" medal by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyz Republic in 2019 and the "Altynsarin" medal by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan in 2020.

- Mir Afzal Tajik is an Associate Professor and Director of Doctoral Programs at the Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education (NUGSE) in Astana, Kazakhstan. He obtained his PhD from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada and his Master of Education from the Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development (AKU-IED) in Karachi, Pakistan. Before joining NUGSE in September 2016, Dr Tajik worked as an Associate Professor and held leadership positions, including Interim Dean, Associate Dean, Head of Graduate Programs, and Director of Outreach Centres and education development programs at AKU-IED. He has also led AKU-IED’s capacity-building programs in Afghanistan and Tajikistan.

Dr Tajik brings over 35 years of experience in both school and higher education. His teaching and research interests include educational leadership and management, school improvement, English-medium instruction (EMI), teacher education, qualitative research, and community-based education. He has co-edited two books and published several chapters and articles with well-reputed international publishers. He is the recipient of the Nazarbayev University Award for Academic Integrity (The Kehinde Award, 2023) and the AKU’s Award for Sustained Excellence in Scholarship of Application, 2009.