Central Asian Research Centre for Educational Innovation and Transformation (CARCEIT) is thrilled to welcome Dr. Botagoz Ispambetova from Nazarbayev University’s Graduate School of Education this Thursday, November 14, at 14:00! She will present her Ph.D. research on the “Institutionalization of Human Subject Protection in Research: A Case Study of One Accelerated University in Kazakhstan.”
In this seminar, Dr. Ispambetova will discuss key findings on implementing the Institutional Research Ethics Committee (IREC) policy in a non-Western context. The study results offer a framework for applying this policy in similar contexts and broader settings.
The seminar will take place in Nayarbazev University, Block C3, Room 2004.
If you cannot come in person, you can join us via Zoom Meeting ID: 993 8406 4997 Passcode: CARCEIT