
Soviet Legacy in Education - Seminar featuring Nurgul Moldabayqyzy

CARCEIT Seminars
On October 11, CARCEIT hosted a seminar titled "Soviet Legacy: How Remnants of Soviet Education Are Still Reflected in the Present", presented by Nurgul Moldabayqyzy, a PhD student at Abay University and psychotherapist specializing in transgenerational cultural trauma. Nurgul discussed her research on the psychological impacts of Soviet-era education in Kazakhstan, focusing on how Soviet policies, which emphasized collective labor and loyalty to the state, have left lasting effects on personal identity and mental health.
Her presentation also highlighted the comparison between Soviet child-rearing practices and traditional Kazakh nomadic parenting. She explored how these traditions can be adapted to address modern parenting challenges, particularly in fostering mental resilience and personal growth.
The seminar concluded with engaging discussions and questions from the audience, reflecting on the enduring influence of Soviet education on contemporary society and its psychological impact across generations.

The seminar was available both for offline and online audience. You can watch the full recording below.
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